Tour bus rules
Datum: 2012-02-17 Kategori: Allmänt
Om Harry får som han vill på deras turne buss så skulle det se ut ungefär så här:
Till Teen Now sa han, "I don't think there are going to be many rules on the tour bus."
"Clean up after yourself, naked at all times, get up at 9.30 every day - maybe 10, and only one glas of milk before bed."
Naill sa också att, "My tour bus rules are that I get to sleep in a top bunk and that I can go to sleep whenever I want to."
"And I get to eat a lot."
"Oh, and definitely no women on the bus."
"What happens on the tour bus stays on the tour bus", sa Zayn.
Detta är ju gammalt men var lite roligt att läsa vad det är för regler som gäller på deras turen bussar.

Till Teen Now sa han, "I don't think there are going to be many rules on the tour bus."
"Clean up after yourself, naked at all times, get up at 9.30 every day - maybe 10, and only one glas of milk before bed."
Naill sa också att, "My tour bus rules are that I get to sleep in a top bunk and that I can go to sleep whenever I want to."
"And I get to eat a lot."
"Oh, and definitely no women on the bus."
"What happens on the tour bus stays on the tour bus", sa Zayn.
Detta är ju gammalt men var lite roligt att läsa vad det är för regler som gäller på deras turen bussar.

