Tom Fletcher
Datum: 2012-03-29 Kategori: Musik
Det sägs att Tom Fletcher ska vara med och skriva till One Directions nästa album. Han har tidigare skrivit låten I Want som finns med på deras skiva Up All Night.
När Tom pratade med the Daily star så lät det ungefär såhär:
"I can't wait to write more tunes for One Direction as I'm reallt proud of their success in America. I haven't been given a brief as to what I come with. Some songwriters have never been in a band, but the One Direction guys can relate to me, as I've been through the same kind of experience as they have. When I've been in a studio with them, the manic atmosphere was just the same as when we made our debut. I'm not all jealous because they're so good at what they do and they're so likeable. They have earned it, and What Makes You Beautiful is one of the best pop songs of the last 10 years."
Wheeey! :)

När Tom pratade med the Daily star så lät det ungefär såhär:
"I can't wait to write more tunes for One Direction as I'm reallt proud of their success in America. I haven't been given a brief as to what I come with. Some songwriters have never been in a band, but the One Direction guys can relate to me, as I've been through the same kind of experience as they have. When I've been in a studio with them, the manic atmosphere was just the same as when we made our debut. I'm not all jealous because they're so good at what they do and they're so likeable. They have earned it, and What Makes You Beautiful is one of the best pop songs of the last 10 years."
Wheeey! :)

Gotta Be You - Director's cut
Datum: 2012-02-16 Kategori: Musik
I musikvideon till låten Gotta be you såg det ut såhär från början men sedan ändrades den. Zayn hade bland annat lite mer scener i videon som ni ser.

One thing, I should have Kissed You
Datum: 2012-02-13 Kategori: Musik
Nu finns singeln One Thing ute! Finns på iTunes [LÄNK]. Och dom har även släppt en ny låt! Idag!
I should Have kissed You. Grym låt!
I should Have kissed You. Grym låt!

One Thing Acoustic
Datum: 2012-02-12 Kategori: Musik